Regarding Q, Trump, and the failed attempt to rescue the Republic

So Q turned out to be a total hoax from the start.  it started off as an internet gag, but when the creators saw it going viral, they quit.  And then the FBI picked it up and turned it into a major COINTELPRO  to circumvent and pacify Trump supporters.

Here are my sources:

It hurts me to see this evidence.  I did not take the Q thing too seriously,  but as every last shred of legal remedy for the stolen election fell one after the other, the evidence ignored, the courts refusing to hear cases, SCOTUS betraying us, the republicans in congress going along with the steal and condemning the "insurrectionists",  tales of a military coup supposedly coming from Q was my last shred of hope in the final week before inauguration. 

I am still following Simon Parkes and Robert David Steele, Both of whom are brilliant and credible people, and were very confident that Trump wasn't leaving office prior to Jan 20th.  Other sources of information have been less optimistic.

what if there was an actual plan? That is to say, what if real people on the Trump team really did have a plan to stage a counter-coup. regardless of what crap Q was putting out.  It IS possible.  Our military seems to favor Trump, especially the foot-soldiers. For a lot of reasons there could be an actual plan.  But Q is not a reliable source, and besides, if "Q" has access to real plans, those plans could be compromised by revealing them.

Inauguration came and went without incident. The only blip was a fire near the capitol that turned out to be no big deal.  No coup.  No EBS announcement. No power outages or disruptions in service.  We were all waiting and hoping and nothing happened. We were told the bad guys had a card up their sleeve and outmaneuvered the good guys.  The good guys have a weakness that the bad guys exploited
,  according to Simon Parkes.  Supposedly these generals and colonels loyal to Trump are trying to figure out what to do next, and now are talking March or April. That is ridiculous.  By then, the full-on witch hunt for anyone accused of "white nationalism" will be well-under way.  Ruby Ridge will be everyday occurrences.  We can't just sit on our thumbs.

its apparent that whoever this "Q" contact is, who is talking to Simon Parkes, is a high-level disinfo agent.  Simon doesn't seem to suspect anything yet.  Agents of disinformation are very very sophisticated.  One of many techniques to ruin the reputation of good, honest and credible researchers is to pretend to be an insider disseminating sensitive information.  When it turns out to be bogus, the researcher is ridiculed and all their good work is discredited.   its happened to me and I think Mr. Parkes is being used.

So much for "5D chess". we're fucked.

Trump was compromised from the start. I still believe he is a good guy who tried to do the right thing and he did a lot of good things as president. in spite of all the opposition. but he isn't a super-genius. He put his trust in the wrong people; those people gave him bad advice. He waited and watched when he should have taken action, because, I believe, he too was told to "trust the plan".   He may have even believed it. and so he threw his base under the bus over and over again and did nothing but tweet, while the libshits grew in power and belligerence. because "trust the plan".

He should have come down like a hammer on the bad guys from day 1. He promised to put Hillary in jail. He eventually got a portion of the wall built, but with 1.5 TRILLION defense budget, ya think there'd be a few dollars in their to build it, being that a border wall is essential to national defense, without having to beg Pelosi and Schumer? WTF was that all about?

D’ya think he could've hired some Israeli contactors, you know, 'Murika's greatest ally and all, ask his son-in-law's best buddy Bibi to build us a nice wall like the one they have? But NooOOOoooo....

D'ya think with our VAST military budget, he could have hired an army of internet trolls to counter the ones inundating our web space? just like what the IDF do? D'ya think he could have provided platforming for patriots and legal defense? D'ya think he could have created a pro-Trump broadcasting network under direct supervision of the white house? Is he oblivious to the fact that propagation of truthful information is essential to national security? We had to settle for tweets? Seriously? Steve Bannon would have been an excellent pick for this job, but a certain Mole had him kicked out. And yet Steve is still loyal to Trump.  That is true loyalty.  And what good are 35$B fighter jets when the enemy is in your home and in your pocket? Israel obviously takes internet defense and propaganda very seriously. The media laid siege upon Trump and the American people with an endless barrage of
obstruction and blatant lying.  Was even a penny allocated by our defense budget to counter this?  NooooOOooooo, instead, our own FBI works together with Antifa, BLM, the DNC, IDF, CIA and Mossad, in one seamless data sharing network,  working against Trump and the American people.  And he did absolutely nothing about it.   

Yes we are in asymmetrical war. A war in which Trump lost miserably. 5D chess my arse.

I could go on....

But the point is, there was a plan, and it failed, the plan failed because certain people who had very different allegiances were advising him, and Trump never suspected a problem. He even let their point man, the Mole, marry his daughter.

Time and time again, Trump did nothing while the liberals burned down cities, beat and killed up his own supporters, spewed hatred in the media and social media.  But he never missed an opportunity to sign a bill to outlaw anti-Semitism; or to grant favors for Israel; even to the last days of his presidency.  And then he pardons Jewish criminals and gangsta rappers who openly hate him.  But nothing for Assange or Snowden. Nothing for his own supporters who pleaded for clemency for the so-called  "insurrection" on Jan 6th, AND ARE NOW FACING THE DEATH PENALTY for treason and sedition.  No.  He threw them under the bus.  Why?

Kneeling for terrorists.   Bludgeoning patriots.  Trump let this happen.  Why?

Do you really think the same international clique that created the Federal Reserve was going to let Trump end it and bring back constitutional money?  Do you really think they were going to let him end the corporate United States and restore the Republic?  Lol. That's why they killed JFK in the first place. no fucking way are they gonna let that happen.

Trump didn't know. He is from New York, He believes the myth that Jews are wonderful people. He's been around them his whole life. The NYC GOP is saturated with elite rich jews. Members of the Big Club. I know. I get it. I went to one of their meetings when I was active in the NY state GOP. Never saw so many yarmulkes outside of a synagogue.


They used him, they duped him, they fucked him over and fucked his daughter literally, and we all got fucked over. Kirshner is their Mole. He is what Edward "Colonel" House was to Wilson, initiating the Federal Reserve System and dragging us into Europe's war. Had that not happened, we would not be in the shit we are in today.

So, if there does exist real generals loyal to Trump who seriously want to do a Pinochet and throw out the commies, they will need to first throw out from their own camp anyone with dual loyalties, that is, dual-citizenship or allegiances that are not the USA.  Anyone who can't wrap their mind around the jewish question is a security risk. Including Trump himself. If these generals succeed in arresting the bad guys, Trump can be re-installed once he can come to terms with this dilemma. You can not be "America First" and "Stand with Israel" at the same time. These are diametrically opposed. You must choose.

Our "special relationship" with Israel has always been one-way. we give and give, they abuse us, we do nothing. Ask the survivors of the USS Liberty. if someone notices, they are called anti-semite and nazi. it is like being in an abusive relationship with a narcissistic psychopath who beats you, insults you, steals from you, but you defend them anyway. you spill the blood of your own sons and brothers in their wars rather than be told that they're anything less than "God's chosen people". Its delusional.

So what do we do now. supposedly the coup attempt failed because they were threatened with the Samson Option. The aforementioned weakness that the good guys have is that they do not want to see the loss of innocent lives. I get it. so the bad guys are holding the entire world hostage. But I tell you, what the NWO has in store for us is far worse.

We've been peaceful and law-abiding for years, We voted. We petitioned. we marched, we protested. we worked with the system.  And what did it get us?  Jack shit. The liberals stole our votes and the repubtards let them.

Finally when a few patriots had enough of "peaceful" and flooded into the capitol, all of the sudden Trump supporters are the most dangerous terrorists in America.

Even though the "insurrection" was a setup from the start, organized by the FBI, Pelosi and Antifa, those genuine Trump supporters who followed in did nothing wrong. a REAL insurrection was long overdue.  Trump should have pardoned them all.  But he didn't.

We have 80-million armed patriots ready to do something. We need organization, communication, infrastructure, leadership, guidance. We have no resources, no clear direction, and we’re saturated with fed agents and trolls.  We are willing to fight for America.  We are the resistance. We are the Cavalry. WE are the plan.

You in law enforcement, you must make a choice.  if you lean towards conservative or pro-2A, you will be ordered to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens.  You will be ordered to round up, detain or shoot American citizens who have been deemed "white supremacists" or Covid-deniers.  and yet, you are ordered to stand down while BLM and Antifa wreck our cities.  You are prohibited from using necessary force on violent criminals because it's racist.  If you do arrest a perp, he will be released or receive a light sentence because the courts have become Courts of Social Justice instead of courts of Law
.  Are you good with this?   


We backed the blue, and how do you thank us? Like you did Ashli Babbit, Duncan Lemp, Daniel Shaver, Kelly Thomas......  You shoot, suffocate and beat up law-abiding  white people with impunity.  But I tell you as you did to them it will be done to you.  Your XOs and COs will be replaced gender-queer persons of color who hate you, and you will be next on the list.   Is your pension really worth it? 

You in the military, each individual soldier,  you must make a choice.  Do you like your new commander-in-chief?  Do you like the way you are treated at the capitol?  Don't worry, it will get worse when you are sent overseas to get Benghazi'd.  Are you good with that?  A dictator is only as powerful as his military. And right now I'd be willing to bet if Donald Trump, the LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES were to walk in to the DC lockdown area asking for volunteers to pull off a counter-coup, he would get hundreds of volunteers.  Throughout history these things have happened.  No reason why it can't happen now.  80,000 armed loyal supporters have your 6.

...and as for who has been running this Q operation, its clearly a team effort. But they have a guy on the Q team who has the ear of the president. A certain mole,  who has been sabotaging his presidency even before it started,  giving him bad advice, compromising his authority, leaking information to his enemies,  and will sabotage his efforts to reclaim his office.  He must be removed as a matter of national security.


This concludes my open letter statement. There are other things I wish to say in confidence to relevant parties and I am trying to reach out to them.
