Open Letter to Robert David Steele:

Just listened to your brief interview with Michael Salla. Yes we are in a split timeline. the split started with the Philadelphia experiment. it changed the outcome of WWII. we are in the bad timeline. there is no clear date where the split started. Anywhere from 1938 to 1943. The allied fire-bombings of Dresden and the nuclear bombs in Japan sealed the deal, so to speak. It set the bad timeline in motion, a great "sho'ah" (Hebrew word for "burnt offering" - the literal meaning of Holocaust); these horrific events ripped a giant wound into the consciousness of Earth herself, out of which burst forth Demons of Hell. We are living in the result of that.

Sophia (the consciousness of mother earth) is attempting to correct this and bring us out of this timeline its why we see anomalies like the Mandela effect. Everything is in flux. We are up against very difficult odds as it plays out in our physical world. The deck is stacked against us. But the price of submission is more horrific than death.

I also read your post by Beth Bauman. if these are Trump's actual plans then any talk or hope of a military coup and restoring the Republic is pure bull. Not gonna happen. the Q cult needs to be put to rest, officially, and it must come from Trump's own mouth, on video. He needs to come out of hiding and speak to us. he can do a video chat with anyone and that can be posted on any platform. it will go viral.

Furthermore, we will never have elections again if this Biden/Harris regime isn't stopped quickly. there won't be any election reform. I'm sure Trump's ideas are very good but its too little too late. We are going into full-on Bolshevik mass-murder territory now. Open war is upon us whether we like it or not. We can not vote our way out of this. His Patriot Party is a giant shill and a false hope,  as was Q.  Not to say that a new party isn't a good idea, but until the Republic is restored its moot. A military coup is our only option now. Whether its led by Trump or not isn't important, but we need him up front as our leader.  If he doesn't, we will be leaderless. People will resist, but the bloodshed will be in the tens of millions and we will not likely win.

Right now even a video confirmation that he and Melania are alive and well would be very encouraging. I hope you know of some way to reach him.

...and please read the link I posted you in previous message. I understand that there may be things in there that you don't agree with. but the discussion needs to be considered. I've been though all of this before (past life memory) and I see how it's playing out. the trajectory we are on is terrifying. It can be corrected but one must go all the way back to wwii and re-examine what we have been taught about history from around 1890 to 1945, so that we can see how it is all playing out again now, condensed, accelerated and amplified. The bad guys do NOT want people to know this truth and have put enormous energy and resources into suppressing it.